Rong Rong & inri

RongRong (Zhangzhou, China, 1968) & inri (Yokosuka, Japan, 1973). 'When, through the lens, the two scenes we each see become one, then the scenes have surpassed “scenery before us” and formed a single world. People who go to visit those places cannot perceive the world of our experience. That world does not exist anywhere in the real world. You can only possess that world within us through these photographs. People often insert themselves into the work they are viewing, as if the subjects of the photo have become themselves. This truly can happen. We cannot say for certain that the bodies in the photograph are ours; they just reflect something that has transcended the observed world. Opening the senses, disappearing into vision, and then emerging on the other shore of sensation, this behavior of the observer is very similar to our own. Going through this process, an observer has used his mind to uncover the secret we have created. The two of us have tried to enter a wordless world (nucleus). In this world lacking material spirit, in which there is no chanting to spirits and gods, using prayer-like repetitive performance, our time shackled, an unbreakable prison. This performance hints at faith.'