Dash Snow; The End of Living The Beginning of Survival

Snow, Dash
Binding: Hardback
Language: English
Pages: 242
Measurements: 24.00 x 33.00 cm

This beautifully produced first monograph on the young New York artist Dash Snow, whose complicated life and much sought-after works have been chronicled in just about every major American art publication in recent years, contains stunning reproductions of his critical, Dada-esque collages, which range from cum-glittered tabloid covers starring Saddam Hussein, to straight text pieces, to modified bondage images; new sculptural works composed of items like books, doll heads, chain mail and skeletal fragments; and a smattering of the photographs and Polaroids that originally made Snow famous outside of the street art culture, where he began writing graffiti. Published on the occasion of Snow’s one-person exhibition at Contemporary Fine Arts, Berlin, this volume, with paper changes, an embossed cover and a slipcase, is a certain collector’s item. An informative short essay by Anna T. Berger rounds it out.

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