God Spoiled a Perfect Asshole When He Put Teeth in Yer Mouth

Snow, Dash
Publisher: Peres Projects
Binding: Clothbound
Language: English
Pages: 268
Measurements: 22.00 x 29.00 cm

Readers of this book will not lack for images of penises (soft and hard), drug paraphernalia, naked old men, naked young women or melancholic landscapes. Featuring a variety of well chosen papers and several special inserted elements–like a bound-in, folded flyer reading, “YOUNG PERFORMERS/ TRANSEXUALS NEEDED For film by DASH SNOW (Private Location), $50hr, party favors included, Must be willing to take it off, Take IT FAR”–God Spoiled a Perfect Asshole When He Put Teeth in Yer Mouth is titled after Snow’s recent one-person exhibition at Peres Projects, Los Angeles. This riveting and highly collectible exhibition catalogue contains full-color illustrations of Snow’s Dada-esque, playful and often nasty collage works and his photographs of Lower East Side “counter-counter-culture.” It begins and ends with production stills from Snow’s 2007 video, “Untitled (Penis Envy).”

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