Robert Walker
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Robert Walker (Montreal, Canada, 1945) studied painting at Sir George Williams University in Montreal. After graduating in 1969, he attended photography workshops given by Lee Friedlander and Gary Winogrand and began taking street photographs in colour. In 1978 he moved to New York where he remained for ten years. His work from this period resulted in a book entitled New York Inside Out, with an introduction by William S. Burroughs. Walker expanded his interest in cities and photographed in Paris, Rome, Warsaw, and Rio de Janeiro, as well as continuing to work in New York and Montreal. In 1990, he completed his second book Colour is Power, which accompanied a museum exhibition through six European countries. After working for more than thirty years in dense urban environments, Walker decided to engage the natural world and for the past five years concentrated on photographing flowers. This work is presently being prepared for publication by Thames & Hudson for a new book to be titled Colour-fields. Robert Walker’s work is included in many private and public collections including the Victoria and Albert Museum, London; the Bibliothèque nationale, Paris; the Kunsthaus Museum, Zurich; the Jan Cunen Museum, Oss; and the National Gallery of Canada.
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