
Brian Eno’s Light, the first solo exhibition by the British artist at Ivorypress, was an installation of light works, each of which seamlessly phase through an infinite combination of seductive ‘colourscapes’ using a series of interwoven LED lights. By extending temporal boundaries with a work that seemingly has no beginning or end, no finality, Eno ‘encourages people to stay in one place for a while’. ‘If a painting is hanging on a wall we don’t feel that we’re missing something by not paying attention to it. Yet with music and video, we still have the expectation of some kind of drama.’
Whilst each individual light music box is accompanied by a unique musical composition, Eno has composed a piece of music for the exhibition that will accompany the entire installation and be played for the duration of the show.
In addition to light boxes Eno also exhibited seven etchings that, almost like film stills from the light boxes, capture a moment in time. Two lenticular works were also on show. The pieces are created using a medium by which lenses give his printed image the illusion of both depth and animation, giving movement to what would otherwise be a static abstract shape, and reinforcing Eno’s notion of a work ‘which one can look at and walk away from as one would a painting: it sits still and you move.’
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