Richard Serra. Torqued Spirals, Toruses and spheres

Serra, Richard
Editorial: Thames and Hudson
Medidas: 0.00 x 0.00 cm

Serra was born in San Francisco in 1939 and since the 1960s has exhibited extensively throughout the world. In recent years, Serra has explored the effects of torqued forms in a series of single and double-torqued ellipses. This text announces Serra’s involvement in new sculptural shapes and configurations. \n\nTorqued Spirals, Toruses and Spheres announces Richard Serra’s involvement with new sculptural shapes and configurations.\n\nIn recent years Serra has explored the effects of torqued forms in a series of single and double-torqued ellipses. The five torqued spirals Bellamy, Sylvester (these two titled in honor of two recently deceased friends), Joe, Four and Left/Right turn the interior corridor of the double torqued ellipse into a seemingly endless path into the core of a torqued spiral. In his introductory text for the book Hal Foster vividly describes the experience of walking the spiraling path: «It is as if your body becomes its own roller coaster, one tracked not up and down but round and round.»\n\nBetwixt the Torus and the Sphere and Union of the Torus and the Sphere introduce entirely new shapes into Serra’s sculptural vocabulary. For the first time he works with spheroid and toroid sections. In Betwixt the Torus and the Sphere three toroid and three spheroid sections are assembled to create five unique passageways. In Union of the Torus and the Sphere, a toroid section and a spheroid section lock together to create Serra’s first sculpture with an interior volume that cannot be entered.

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