Remake Berlin

Editorial: Steidl
Encuadernación: Hardback
Idioma: English/German
Páginas: 235
Medidas: 25.00 x 32.50 cm

As new. The Old Berlin is lost, as would be any city that has been destroyed more than once. No Remake can change this. What then is the new Berlin? Only one thing is certain, that Berlin, today, can only be described as a stringing together of fast-changing phenomena. A city suspended amidst massive developments, Berlin now exists as a metaphor for the unknown. Remake Berlin attempts to do the impossible, to pull together a visual and textual portrait of this unknown city, through the combined imaginations and documentary explorations of eight artists and six writers, men and women, national and international, locals and visitors. They approach the city in a careful way, laconically recording its violent geographies, ironically commenting on the peculiarities of its architecture and population, and finally forming a constructive, exploratory array of subjective glances which, together, draw up a possible portrait of a new Berlin.\nEdited by Urs Stahel, Kathrin Becker. Essays by Paul Virilio, Laszlo Foldenyi, Thomas Kapielski, Monika Maron, Emine Sevgi Ozdamar, Matthias Zschokke. Photographers include: Clegg & Guttmann, Boris Mikhailov, Juergen Teller, Astrid Klein, Remy Markowitsch, Frank Thiel, Celine van Balen, Stephen Wilks.

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