Miquel Barceló.Obra sobre papel 1979-1999

Barceló, Miquel
Editorial: Edicones Aldeasa
Encuadernación: Hardcover
Idioma: Spanish
Páginas: 112
Medidas: 36.00 x 34.00 cm

This catalogue presents Miguel Barcelo’s graphic work — a total of 250 ink drawings, watercolors, and other works on paper — spanning a 20 year period of this important artist’s outstanding career. Writes Enrique Juncosa: «The main subject of Miquel Barcelo’s work is the inexorable passage of time. The passing of time is certainly what is evoked by his images of sediments and germanations, of deserts and glaciers, deltas, beaches, oceans, and rivers. It is in this same sense that we must also understand his own particular emblems of memory — museums, libraries, cinemas — or his allusions to daily rituals — working in the studio, sex, restaurants, and kitchens…. The self-taught Barcelo began his career as an artist in the late 1970s, during the glory days of conceptual art…. once ha had adopted figuration, and no longer felt he had to justify it in conceptual terms, Barcelo’s images became more complex, giving rise to his monsters».

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