Photobook Club Madrid. The Paris Photo & Aperture Foundation Photobook Awards 2017 Session

31 / 10 / 2017

6 de noviembre, 19:00 h
Ivorypress Bookshop

Desde 2012, Paris Photo acoge los Paris Photo & Aperture Foundation Photobook Awards. Por quinto año consecutivo Ivorypress y Photobook Club Madrid se unen para presentar y debatir sobre los nominados días antes del anuncio del ganador.

El pasado 6 de noviembre los asistentes estuvieron invitados a estudiar los fotolibros nominados a todas las categorías a partir de las 19h, disponiendo de media hora para conocer y escoger a sus favoritos entre la selección oficial. Tras la votación, se abrió un debate en que cada participante pudo presentar su apuesta personal a mejor fotolibro más allá de las listas oficiales.

Aunque fue posible traer las propuestas personales de casa, la librería Ivorypress puso a disposición de los presentes el día del evento su amplio fondo para encontrar a los olvidados por los Paris Photo & Aperture Foundation Photobook Awards 2017.

The 2017 PhotoBook Awards Shortlist

First PhotoBook

Monsanto: A Photographic Investigation by Mathieu Asselin

REX by Zackary Canepari

Blind Spot by Teju Cole

Deep Springs by Sam Contis

Welcome to Camp America, Inside Guantánamo Bay by Debi Cornwall

What Sort of Life Is This by Albert Elm

Reading Raymond Carver by Mary Frey

The Erratics by Darren Harvey-Regan

Eyes as Big as Plates by Karoline Hjorth and Riitta Ikonen

Hidden Mother by Laura Larson

White Night by Feng Li

Out of the Blue by Virginie Rebetez

State of Nature by Claudius Schulze

Rayon Vert by Senta Simond

Melancholic Road by Alnis Stakle

Entrance to Our Valley by Jenia Fridlyand

Creation.IMG by Dawn Kim

In the Company of Black by Cecil McDonald Jr.

Nadya Sheremetova, ed.
With Alexey Bogolepov, Margo Ovcharenko, Irina Ivannikova, Anastasia Tsayder, Igor Samolet, Yury Gudkov, Olya Ivanova, Irina Zadorozhnaia, Anastasia Tailakova, and Irina Yulieva.
Amplitude No.1

The Restoration Will by Mayumi Suzuki

Photography Catalogue of the Year

Brassaï: Graffiti, Le Langage du Mur

CLAP! 10×10 Contemporary Latin American Photobooks: 2000–2016

Diary of a Leap Year

Hans Eijkelboom: Photo Concepts 1970

New Realities: Photography in the 19th Century

PhotoBook of the Year

Corbeau by Anne Golaz

The Last Son by Jim Goldberg

In Most Tides an Island by Nicholas Muellner

Fancy Pictures by Mark Neville

Expired Paper by Alison Rossite

Subscription Series No. 5 by Mike Mandel, Susan Meiselas, Bill Burke, and Lee Friedlander

Museum Bhavan by Dayanita Singh

La Grieta (The Crack) by Carlos Spottorno

This Is Not My Book by Erik van der Weijde

Ville de Calais by Henk Wildschut