
de Keyzer, Carl
Publisher: Mets & Schilt
Binding: Hardback
Pages: 152
Measurements: 0.00 x 0.00 cm

From socio-documentary photographer Carl De Keyzer, a member
of the Magnum collective, Trinity is a triptych on the theme of the
omnipresence of power and violence in contemporary societies
around the world. De Keyzer, born in Belgium, grabs contemporary
power, its senseless violence and worldwide devastation, by the
hair, with images of history, war and politics. His images show with
shocking clarity how the military is glorified, patriotism is hyped,
politicians are protected and common people are left behind; these
photos explain with startling clarity how a phenomenon like Nazism
or Leninism could come to pass in the present day. In 100 carefully
chosen color photos, de Keyzer reveals the forces that make the
world go around.

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