Los oasis de Egipto

Esteva, Jordi
Publisher: RM
Binding: Hardcover
Language: Inglés
Pages: 196
Measurements: 24.70 x 32.00 cm

RM recovers in a careful edition the work The Oasis of Egypt, by the writer and photographer Jordi Esteva. Siwa, Bahriyah, Farafra, Dakhla and Kharga are the names of the five great oases of Egypt, small worlds that for centuries remained detained in an almost mythical time and that maintained their own culture, giving rise to multiple legends. Before those islands in the desert ended up succumbing to paved roads, electricity and television, Jordi Esteva decided to capture the spirit of those places, the particular microcosm of those old villages on the verge of collapse, through their own experience and personal experience. The passage of time has endowed to the collection of photographs that are collected in The Oasis of Egypt the value of that which tells us of a world that has vanished and of which few testimonies remain.

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