Juan Guzman

Morales, Alfonso
Publisher: RM
Binding: Soft cover
Language: Castellana
Pages: 432
Measurements: 29.00 x 33.00 cm

This book retrieves and puts into context a selection of the thousands of images, most of them unpublished, taken by the German-Hispanic-Mexican photographer Hans Gutmann Guster (1911-1982), better known as Juan Guzmán, who began his career as a photographer self-taught during the thirties of the last century. The photographs he took in Europe are testimonies of his wandering life and show his closeness to left-wing movements, such as the Spanish Civil War, where he was a brigade member and photographer at the service of the republican cause. His work as a photographer in the Spanish war was notable, being the author of some of the most iconic images of the war.
