Hans Ulrich Obrist: The Infinite Conversations

Ulrich, Hans
Binding: Hardcover
Language: English
Pages: 450
Measurements: 19.30 x 22.60 cm

A collection of 31 conversations Hans Ulrich Obrist has held with thinkers and scientists on art, science and philosophy.

In 2014, on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the Fondation Cartier, Hans Ulrich Obrist imagined “The Infinite Conversation” – a title borrowed from Maurice Blanchot – a series of conversations with artists, scientists and thinkers close to the Fondation Cartier and its exhibition program. Since then, Hans Ulrich Obrist and the Fondation Cartier have renewed their collaboration. After Vivid Memories (2014), the exhibitions The Great Animal Orchestra (2016), Junya Ishigami, Freeing Architecture (2018), and Southern Geometries, from Mexico to Patagonia (2018) were the occasion of new “marathon dialogues” with other artists and contributors. The book, Infinite Conversations, gathers together all these 31 conversations in an invitation to transcend the borders between art disciplines.

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