Capturing the Map of Light on This Planet

Ishikawa, Naoki
Publisher: Little More
Binding: Hardcover
Language: Japanese
Pages: 368
Measurements: 22.70 x 29.70 cm

In his book “Capturing the Map of Light on this Planet”, globetrotter-turned-photographer Naoko Ishikawa introduces us to some of the most remote locations in the world.
Ishikawa, who had scaled the highest mountains of all seven continents at age 23, photographs the locations he visited – from South to North Pole – with a certain restraint and awe. The photos were not taken to highlight the extravagance of nature but rather celebrate its diversity. Ishikawa’s approach is as much anthropological as it is driven by his sense of adventure, with diary notes (in Japanese) providing background information on his journeys and photos frequently depicting local people and the details of their lifestyles. The book – available with a “South Pole” or a “North Pole” cover – concludes with a short overview of the gear Ishikawa used during his travels as well as a series of essays (in Japanese).

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