Can’t You Pay To Disappear

Vandenberghe, Thomas
Publisher: Akina Books
Binding: Soft cover
Pages: 80
Measurements: 21.00 x 28.00 cm

They went to a pond, in the pines.nThe first time they were there together, wild and free.nThe second time, after months, he found himself in the same place alone at night, measuring the forest with restless steps back and forth “`Nobody would find you here for months” he said to himself.nThis time they just sat on a rock, next to the water.n“It would be nice if you were always easy going like this” she saidn“Uh” he said, his eyes lost in running water.nThe rage was gone and with the rage, everything else was also gone.n“Things will be fine from now on”n“Yes maybe”n“I want to go back”n“There’s no way out either”

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