Book Art: Iconic Sculptures and Installations Made from Books

Sloman, Paul
Binding: Hardcover
Language: English
Pages: 220
Measurements: 20.10 x 20.50 cm

As more and more text is being communicated via digital media, books have lost their function of conveyance of information. Many predict that this will lead to the “Death of the Book”. This book illustrates how the book´s legacy as a carrier of ideas and communication is being expanded today in the creative realm. A selection of 46 art works, installations and designs with books give an insight in the possibilities that exceed the mere transmission of knowledge. Several texts on the book production process introduce the reader into the three main chapters: Art, Installation and Design. The selection includes art works by artists as Olafur Eliasson and Ishiguro Takeshi as well as Anish Kapoor´s artist´s book published by Ivorypress.

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