Anonymization: The Global Proliferation of Urban Sprawl

Harding Pittman, Robert
Publisher: Kehrer
Binding: Hardcover
Language: English
Pages: 120
Measurements: 24.00 x 24.50 cm

All across the world a uniform, homogeneous model of development, inspired by Los Angeles style urban sprawl—consisting of massive freeways, parking lots, shopping malls, and large-scale masterplanned communities with golf courses—is being stamped onto the earth’s topography. This globalized model of architecture does not respect or adapt itself to the natural or cultural environment onto which it is implanted.

German American photographer Robert Harding Pittman began working on this project in Los Angeles ten years ago. Since then he has been photographing the spread of “L.A. style development” in Las Vegas, Spain, France, Germany, Greece, Dubai, and South Korea.

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