Alessandra Sanguinetti. The adventures of Guille and Belinda and The enigmatic meaning of their dreams

Sanguinetti, Alessandra
Publisher: Nazraeli Press
Binding: Hardcover with cloth
Language: English
Measurements: 20.90 x 20.90 cm

While working on a series studying families in 1999, in the remote farmland outside of Buenos Aires, Alessandra Sanguinetti discovered the two young girls, cousins, who would become the subjects of her next series over the next five years. The project began when the girls were on the cusp of adolescence, ages nine and ten.

In the series ‘The Adventures of Guille and Belinda and the Enigmatic Meaning of Their Dreams’, Sanguinetti’s expert vision fuses together the girls’ everyday surroundings with a dreamy feeling of myth. The work is a poignant exploration of the beauty and awkwardness of adolescence into early adulthood. As the series progresses, we see the element of fantasy dim as the girls are faced with a harsher, more adult reality. According to the photographer:
I have attempted to interpret the ending of their childhood by entering their imaginary spaces. The time when their dreams, fantasies, and fears would fuse seamlessly with real day-to-day life are ending, and the photographs I have made intend to crystallize this rapidly disappearing very personal and free space.

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