Agudas. Mujeres que hicieron de la opinión un arte

Michele, Dean
Binding: Soft cover
Language: Spanish
Pages: 368
Measurements: 14.00 x 22.00 cm

The sharpness in a conversation is a sign of agile ingenuity, of the ability to offer a different approach to everyday life, in short, to have an opinion of your own. The women in this book share a quality: all of them stand out for their contributions to the thinking and cultural transformations of the 20th century. Hannah Arendt, Joan Didion, Nora Ephron, Mary McCarthy, Dorothy Parker, Susan Sontag, Rebecca West, Janet Malcolm, Pauline Kael, Coco Chanel, Lillian Hellman or Frida Khalo defied the expectations of the moment and made their way into a world of men.

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