100 Años Del Pabellón Español en la Bienal de Venecia

Publisher: Turner
Binding: Hardcover
Language: Español
Pages: 332
Measurements: 21.00 x 28.00 cm

2022 marks the centenary of the construction of the Spanish Pavilion at the Venice Biennale. The work carried out in these hundred years has contributed to the construction and consolidation of the image of Spain as a cultural power in the international arena, projecting, in one of the best world artistic showcases, the excellence of Spanish contemporary art. In this first century of history, the Spanish Pavilion has seen different styles, evolutions and artistic changes pass through its walls, whose dynamics have been possible thanks to the work of the curators who promoted and continue to promote a “pluralism of voices” that characterizes the essence of the Biennale. The book includes extensive graphic documentation that is the result of exhaustive research work. Never before until now has so much documentation of interest on the history of the building and the exhibitions that took place within its walls over these years been jointly published. The publication includes texts by some of the curators of the Spanish Pavilion in different editions of the Biennial, such as Alberto Ruiz de Samaniego and Martí Manen, as well as a historical introduction by Atxu Amann and Andrés Cánovas, plus an anecdotal chronology by Rosa Martinez. In co-edition with AECID. as well as a historical introduction by Atxu Amann and Andrés Cánovas, plus an anecdotal chronology by Rosa Martínez. In co-edition with AECID. as well as a historical introduction by Atxu Amann and Andrés Cánovas, plus an anecdotal chronology by Rosa Martínez. In co-edition with AECID.

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