7 / 05 / 2019

On the 8th and 22nd of June Ivorypress hold a Rayogram workshop for children led by Lucía Peluffo.

Today, we live together with the digital image, some are even born thinking it is the only one that exists. We forget that an image is light, that a photograph exists because light bounces off a subject and gets into the camera, storing the picture, either digital or analogue. In our daily lives, we are separated from that alchemy, we believe that taking a picture on a digital device occurs as a simple blink, forgetting that the eye is a very complex organ.

The interest of this workshop, led by designer Lucía Peluffo, is to encourage children to return to that original process and, in this case, to work with rayograms—a simple process with a quick visual result, perfect for a workshop. This format will allow us not only to experiment and observe how light prints directly onto paper, but to reflect on these lost processes that some of us are trying to reinvigorate.

Lucía Peluffo was born in Buenos Aires in 1989. She studied Industrial Design at the University of Buenos Aires, which brought her closer to handcrafts, workshops and knowledge of materials. She won the third prize at the Tokyo International Foto Awards (TIFA), a mention on the Publicación Felifa-Futura 2018 Award, and was a finalist for the Francisco Ayerza Photography Award, in 2016. She currently runs her own design studio, MORSA, and teaches photography and gives workshops on black-and-white analogue darkroom techniques.

Click the following link for more information and to sign up.
Rayogram Workshop