TALK: ‘COURSE AND DISCOURSE’ with Ricardo Báez and Gonzalo Golpe

28 / 09 / 2018

Tuesday 16 October, 7 p.m. , Ivorypress, C/Comandante Zorita 46-48.

Ivory press was pleased to invite you to Course and Discourse, a discussion between graphic designer Ricardo Báez and publisher Gonzalo Golpe. A conversation on the relationships between book design, graphic edition and photography, with two renowned experts on photobook publishing. Co-organised with La Cueva editorial.

Ricardo Báez (Caracas, 1983) is a graphic designer focused on book design. After dropping out of Design School, Baéz worked from 2004 to 2012 along with renowned Venezuelan artists, such as Eduardo López, Carlos E. Rodríguez and, eventually, with Álvaro Sotillo (AGI member and 2005 Gutenberg Prize) at Visión Alternativa Design Studio and Laboratorio de Tipografía de Caracas. His work has been exhibited in Japan, England, Germany, Spain, Switzerland, the Netherlands, France, United States, Scotland, Belgium, Argentina and Venezuela. More recently, he has been involved in the creation of artist´s books and photobooks, working as designer, editor and collector, including Mathieu Asselin’s Monsanto®: A Photographic Investigation book designwinner of the Paris Photo–Aperture Foundation PhotoBook Awards in 2017 and shortlisted for the Deutsche Börse Photography Foundation Prize 2018.

Gonzalo Golpe (Madrid, 1975). Independent publisher and professor, he holds a BA in Hispanic Philology and a Diploma in Text Edition and Publishing from the University of Deusto. An expert in graphic production, he led Siete de un Golpe from 2010 to 2013, a workshop dedicated to photobooks’ self-publishing, artist’s editions and graphic production. He has been a member of La Troupe since 2014, a collective of professionals in the graphic arts dedicated to author’s work, both for publishing and exhibition purposes. He also collaborates as an editor at The Portable Photo, a contemporary Spanish photographers’ app collection promoted by Espadaysantacruz Studio. He leads La Fábrica Editorial’s 64P essay collection on photography.