Thames and Hudson
Mostrando 61–120 de 461 resultados
FuturLiberty: Liberty Fabrics and the Avant GardeVV.AA
Studio ceramicsGraves, Alun
Surrealists in New York: Atelier 17 and the Birth of Abstract ExpressionismDarwent, Charles
Eisenstein on Paper: Graphic Works by the Master of FilmEisenstein, Sergei
Exactitude: Hyperrealist Art TodayVV.AA
Yayoi Kusama: 1945 to NowKusama, Yayoi
William Klein: YesKlein, William
Sophie Calle (Photofile)Calle, Sophie
Colour Mania (Victoria and Albert Museum): Photographing the World in AutochromeLangford, Catlin
Letters from M/M (Paris)McNeil, Paul
Richard Smith: Artworks 1954 2013Smith, Richard
Totally Wired: The Rise and Fall of the Music PressGorman, Paul
Voysey’s Birds and AnimalsVoysey, Charles
The Eye’s Mind: Bridget Riley: Collected Writings 1965-2019Riley, Bridget
The Art of the Illustrated Book (Victoria and Albert Museum)Bryant, Julius
THE QUENTIN BLAKE BOOKFiell, Charlote & Peter
TOVE JANSSON: The IllustratorsFiell, Charlote & Peter
ADJAYE: Works 2007-2015: Houses, Pavilions, Installations, BuildingsFiell, Charlote & Peter
Harry Gruyaert: Between WorldsGruyaert, Harry
PHAENOMENA: Doppelmayr’s Celestial AtlasVV.AA
THE UNSEEN SAUL LEITERFiell, Charlote & Peter
LOVE LUCIAN: The Letters of Lucian Freud 1939 1954Fiell, Charlote & Peter
LOVE LUCIAN: The Letters of Lucian Freud 1939 1954Fiell, Charlote & Peter
LOVE LUCIAN: The Letters of Lucian Freud 1939-1954Freud, Lucian
This is Tomorrow: Twentieth-century Britain and its ArtistsBird, Michael
Alex Prager: Silver Lake DrivePrager, Alex
Vivian MaierMaier, Vivian
Yves Saint Laurent and ArtSaint Laurent, Yves
Another Country: British Documentary Photography Since 1945VV.AA
Flora Photographica: The Flower in Contemporary PhotographyVV.AA
Women PhotographersVV.AA
The Art of Earth Architecture «Past, Present, Future»Dethier, Jean
Shaping the World «Sculpture from Prehistory to Now»VV.AA
Mid-Century Modern Design: A Complete SourcebookVVAA
Casa TropicalJodidio, Philip
Georg BaselitzBaselitz, Georg
MMXX «Two decades of architecture in Australia»MMXX
A History of Pictures: From the Cave to the Computer ScreenHockney, David
Moonlight TravellersBlake, Quentin
The Library. A World HistoryVVAA
Vincent’s Books: Van Gogh and the Writers Who Inspired HimVan Gogh, Vincent
Lartigue: The Boy and the Belle ÉpoqueLartigue, Jacques Henri
Traveller’s Tales: Bags UnpackedScali, Bertil
Dick Bruna: The IllustratorsIngman, Bruce
David Adjaye – Works 1995-2007: Houses, Pavilions, Installations, BuildingsAdjaye, David
RuinsKoudelka, Josef
How to Identify PrintsGascoigne, Bamber
National Museum of QatarJodidio, Philip
Women Artists: The Linda Nochlin ReaderNochlin, Linda
Bridget Riley: Dialogues on ArtRiley, Bridget
The Flower Expert: Ideas and Inspiration for a Life With FlowersMcHarg, Fleur
Sean Godsell: HousesGodsell, Sean
Habitat: Vernacular Architecture for a Changing PlanetPiesik, Sandra
Mirror of the World: A New History of ArtBell, Julian
Drawing for Landscape Architecture: Sketch to Screen to SiteHutchison, Edward
Magnum ChinaVVAA
Bruegel: The Complete Graphic WorksVVAA
Henri Cartier-Bresson: China 1948-1949, 1958Cartier-Bresson, Henri