Rizzoli International Publications
Mostrando 181–237 de 237 resultados
Henry Moore: Late Large FormsMoore, Henry
Stars in Dior: From Screen to StreetsHanover, Jerome
James TurrellTurrell, James
Zaha Hadid: MaxxiHadid, Zaha
Robert TherrienTherrien, Robert
The Splendor of CubaConnors, Michael
Shirin NeshatNeshat, Shirin
The Ungovernables: The 2012 New Museum TriennialJoo, Eungie
Flogging HorseChapman, Dinos
Frank Lloyd Wright Designs: The Sketches, Plans, and DrawingsWright, Frank Lloyd
TowerCurrin, John
Cecil Beaton: The New York YearsAlbrecht, Donald
Deborah Turbeville: The Fashion PicturesTurbeville, Deborah
Louis Vuitton: Architecture and interiorsVVAA
Richard Prince: American prayerPrince, Richard
My life in a columnEmin, Tracey
L amour fou: Picasso and Marie TheresePicasso, Pablo
Monica BellucciVV.AA
FallingwaterWright, Frank Lloyd
Los Angeles. The Birth of a Modern MetropolisShulman, Julius
DirectoryMarcopoulos, Ari
Tokujin YoshiokaYoshioka, Tokujin
Mika NinagawaNinagawa, Mika
Alfred Stieglitz New YorkStieglitz, Alfred
Herb Ritts: The Golden Hour: A Photographer’s Life and His WorldRitts, Herb
Architecture 1979-1985Burgee, Jhon and Johnson, Philip
The Yale Studio & Current WorksAndo, Tadao
Michael Graves. Buildings and Projects (1990-1994)Graves, Michael
Il Corso del ColtelloOldenburg, Claes
Richard Meier MuseumsMeier, Richard
The housesWright, Frank Lloyd
I.M. PeiPei, IM
Oscar Niemeyer BuildingsNiemeyer, Oscar
Richard NeutraNeutra, Richard
Paulo Mendes da RochaMendes da Rocha, Paulo
The Grotta House by Richard MeierMeier, Richard
Morphosis Buildings & Projects Vol.VMayne, Thom
Tom Dixon: Interior WorldsDixon, Tom
Thonet: Classic Furniture in Bent Wood and Tubular Steelvon Vegesack, Alexander
The Illustrated History of the World’s Most Famous Fashion MagazineOliva, Alberto and Angeletti, Norberto
Purple AnthologyZahm, Olivier
Maison Martin MargielaMargiela, Martin
Louis I. Kahn: In the Realm of ArchitectureKahn, Louis I.
Zaha HadidHadid, Zaha
Michael Graves: Buildings and Projects 1995-2003Graves, Michael
Gabellini: Architecture of the InteriorGabellini, Michael
L.A. ModernEllwood, Craig
Tracing Eisenman Complete WorksEisenman, Peter
Diener & DienerDiener u. Diener
MurakamiMurakami, Tagashi
Lucian FreudFreud, Lucian
Beach PaintingsFischl, Eric
BrancusiBrancusi, Constantin
History PortraitsSherman, Cindy
On broadway: A Journey Uptown Over TimeDunlap, David W.
Put On Your Pearls, Girls!Guinness, Lulu
Tracy EminEmin, Tracey