Mostrando 481–540 de 1199 resultados
Museum Buildings «Construction and Design Manual»Hoffmann, Hans Wolfgang
Stadium Buildings «Construction and Design Manual»Wimmer, Martin
Teorías e Historia de la Ciudad ContemporáneaGarcia,Vázquez, Carlos
Paris Les BoulevardsGolbin, Pamela
Prototyping for ArchitectsVV.AA
The Course of Landscape Architecture «A History of our Designs on the Natural World, from Prehistory t»VV.AA
AttunementPérez-Gómez, Alberto
Rethinking The Modular «Adaptable Systems in Architecture and Design»VV.AA
Sar: The Essence of Indian DesignVV.AA
How to Read Modern Buildings «A Crash Course in the Architecture of the Modern Era»Jones, Will
Modern European Landscape Design
Modern Forms: A Subjective Atlas of 20th Century ArchitectureGrospierre, Nicolas
Architectural Robotics «Ecosystems of Bits, Bytes, and Biology»Green,Keith Evan
The Fast Guide to Architectural FormRaffaelli, Baires
MIN «The new simplicity in graphic design»Tolley, Stuart
The New CuratorVVAA
International Space Station: Architecture Beyond EarthNixon, David
A Japanese Constellation: Toyo Ito Kazuyo Sejima SANAA Ryue Nishizawa Sou FujimotoGadanho, Pedro
Interior Inspiration: ScandinaviaLucano, Sonia
Lumitecture: Illuminating Interiors for Designers & ArchitectsYudina, Anna
Drawing for Landscape Architecture: Sketch to Screen to SiteHutchinson, Edward
Hidden Urbanism «Architecture and Design of the Moscow Metro 1935-2015»VV.AA
Towards a Typology of Soviet Mass HousingVV.AA
The Way Things GoGarcía-Masedo, Paula
100 Paisajes culturales en España
The Anatomy of the Architectural BookTavares, André
An Igloo on the MoonJenkins, David
Design and ViolenceVV.AA
Bauhaus 1919-1933: Workshops for ModernityVV.AA
Modern Furniture: 150 Years of DesignMehlhose, Andrea
The Century of the Modern DesignHanks, David A.
Más allá de la imagen. La arquitectura del artesano.Millan Millan, Pablo Manuel
Apartamento 16VVAA
European HouseVV.AA
Architecture and the VirtualJecu, Marta
Japanese Landscape DesignNobuhara, Kohei
Campus Landscape. Planning & Design
Book DesignVV.AA
James Stirling. Inspiration and Process in Architecture.Stirling, James
Daniel Libeskind. Inspiration and Process in ArchitectureLibeskind, Daniel
Por qué se caen los edificiosVVAA
2000+. The urgencies of architectural theory.VVAA
Palabra de arquitecto. Citas, ocurrencias y píldoras de sabiduría.Dushkes, Laura
The Triumph of Typography. Culture, Communication, new media.VV.AA
The High LineVV.AA
A genealogy of modern Architecture. Comparative Cristical Analysis of Built Form.Frampton, Kenneth
The ten Commandments of typography/ Type heresyFelton, Paul
Design with climate. Bioclimatic aproach to architectural regionalism.Olgyay, Victor
Nordic Architects. Ebbs & FlowsSokol, David
a.mag 07. Buchner Bründler architects. Fuhrmann Hächler architects.VVAA
Single Family Mixed Use Complex Multy Family Social HousingVVAA
The Monocle Guide to Cosy HomesVV.AA
Fabricate: Making digital architectureGlynn, Ruairi
Jutaku: Japanese HousesVV.AA
30:30 Landscape ArchitectureVV.AA
Landscape and Garden Design SketchbooksVV.AA
Best in Show. Italian Cars Masterpieces from the Lopresto Collection.Cittadini, Andrea
The politics of parametricism. Digital technologies in architecture.VV.AA
Labyrinths. The art of the mazeMaria Ricci, Ricardo
British Design. Tradition and modernity after 1948VV.AA