Mostrando 781–840 de 1199 resultados
The Prefabricated HomeDavies, Colin
Behind the Zines: Self-Publishing CultureKlanten, Robert
Data Flow 2 (French Edition): Visualizing Information in Graphic DesignKlanten, Robert
Diseño de exposicionesLocker, Pam
Arquitectura y política. Ensayos para mundos alternativosMontaner, Josep María
Architecture and ViolenceKenzari, Bechir
Herramientas para habitar el presente. La vivienda del siglo XXIMontaner, Josep María
Arquitectura Viva MonografíasNº146 Nieto &SobejanoVVAA
Madrid Rio Un proyecto de transformacion urbanaVVAA
10 x 10 /3. 100 Architects. 10 CriticsV.V.A.A.
Wicked! Design on the Edge of Bad TasteBofinger, Karen
Fast-Forward Urbanism. Rethinking Architecture’s Engagement with the cityVV.AA
10 concursos perdidos 1 ganado. 10 lost competitions 1 success.Muniain, Lucio
AV 137. Mas maderaAV
AV.Monografías. Nº 147-148. España 2011VV.AA
Temporary Architecture: Burkhardt Leitner Global NetworkLeitner, Burkhardt
The Making of Design. From the First Model to the Final ProductTerstiege, Gerrit
New Olds: Design Between Tradition and Innovationifa (institue for foreign cultural relations)
Design. History, Theory and Practice of Product DesignBürdek, Bernhard
OFFECCT – Voices: Furniture, Passion and EntrepreneursTingdal, Kurt
Nordic DesignersSokol, David
Cabañas para pensarVV.AA
Serpentine Gallery PavillionsJodidio, Philip
AV 124: Banda Ancha. Obras digitales: de la estructura a la pielAV
The Eiffel TowerHervé, Lucien
AV 136 Escenarios urbanosVV.AA
See Yourself Sensing. Redifining Human PerceptionSchwartzman, Madeline
Constructing the Ineffable. Contemporary Sacred ArchitectureBritton, Karla
The Bauhaus Group. Six Masters of ModernismFox Weber, Nicholas
Construir el paisajeZimmermann, Astrid
Colleges & Universities. Educational SpacesKramer, Sibylle
2G N.57 njiric+ arhitektiVV.AA
Architektur. Beispiele EternitSteiner, Dietmar
Living in the Endless CityBurdett, Ricky
The Endless CityVV.AA
Pensando MueblesAndreu, Pepe
States of Architecture in the Twenty-First CenturyPayne, Andrew
Architects’ SketchbooksJones, Will
Kindergartens. Educational SpacesGalindo, Michelle
Towards a New Kind of Building «A Designer s Guide for Nonstandard Architecture»Oosterhuis, Kas
Construction and Design Manual: Theatres and Concert HallsSchmolke, Birgit
Construction and Design Manual: Single-Family HousesHoffmann, Hans Wolfgang
Card Board BookV.V.A.A.
What Architects DesireV.V.A.A.
Why Do Architects Wear Black?Rau, Cordula
Made Of: New Materials Sourcebook for Architecture and DesignSauer, Christiane
Architectural Modelmaking (Portfolio Skills: Architecture)Dunn, Nick
Architectural Drawing (Portfolio Skills)Dernie, David
Architecture’s Evil Empire?: The Triumph and Tragedy of Global ModernismGlendinning, Miles
After Crisis. Contemporary Architectural Conditions «Architectural Papers V»Mateo, Josep Lluis
Design For The Other 90%Smith, Cynthia E.
La Modernidad Superada. Ensayos sobre arquitectura contemporáneaMontaner, Josep María
Ecoatlas. Arquitectura ecologica contemporaneaCosta, Sergi
Rosalie Light Art «the universal theater of light»Rosalie
The Gardens of Luciano GiubbileiWilson, Andrew
Colonial Modern. Aesthetics of the Past Rebellions for the FutureAvermaete, Tom
Outside The BoxCzerwinski, Michael
Making Stuff. An Alternative Craft BookHanaor, Ziggy
Books Do Furnish a RoomGeddes-Brown, Leslie
30 St Mary Axe: A Tower for LondonPowell, Kenneth