Mostrando 3421–3480 de 5025 resultados
Las palabras no estan en su sitioDaniëls, René
El Heremitage en el PradoEl Prado
Ultimo RoundCortázar, Julio
Tyrants + LederhosenThe Hilton Brothers
Al pie del cañón. Una guía del Museo del PradoArroyo, Eduardo
Dibujando animalesCalder, Alexander
Model StudiesDemand, Thomas
TRA Edge of BecomingVervoordt, Axel
La FamilleBourgeois, Louise
Diego RiveraRivera, Diego
AllCattelan, Maurizio
Elmgreen & Dragset: TrilogyElmgreen, Michael
Andy Warhol «Giant Size» – smallWarhol, Andy
Vitamin P2 New Perspectives in PaintingVVAA
Defining Contemporary Art – 25 Years in 200 pivotal artworksVVAA
Juan Muñoz at the ClarkMuñoz, Juan
Ignite the Power of Art: Advancing Visitor Engagement in Museums (Dallas Museum of Art Publications)Pitman, Bonnie
Lyonel Feininger. At the Edge of the WorldFeininger, Lyonel
La Prose du Transsibérien et de la Petite Jehanne de FranceCendrars, Blaise
Dubuffet as architectDubuffet, Jean
Fotografia. El arte de visibilizar la preguntaWessing, Koen
The Art MuseumPhaidon Press
La sage femmeBourgeois,Louise
EXIT Express Nª61 Octubre-Noviembre 2011VVAA
Estética de lo PerformativoFischer-Lichte, Erika
We Petty BourgoisPolke, Sigmar
Museo y Museología.Poulot, Dominique
Ai Weiwei InterlacingWeiwei, Ai
Rock, mi religiónGraham, Dan
Sign Painting ProjectAlys, Francis
StoneGoldsworthy, Andy
Bombs and CandiesLegrady, Kata
Joan MiróMiró, Joan
La caballeria rojaVVAA
Franz Xaver MesserchmidtMesserchmidt, Franz Xaver
Wilhem SasnalSasnal, Wilhem
En cuatro movimientosFerrer, Esther
PrecipitadosGenovés, Pablo
David Bailey: 8 MinutesBailey, David
To Whom It May Concern.Louise Bourgeois and Gary IndianaBourgeois, Louise
A Bigger Message. Conversations with David HockneyGayford, Martin
Performance Art: From Futurism to the PresentGoldberg,RoseLee
De Kooning: a Retrospectivede Kooning, Willem
New York (Polaroid book)Franticham
Black PoemsFierens, Luc
Work AnonymouslyWood, Reid
Louise BourgeoisBourgeois, Louise
Julio Gonzalez en la coleccion del IVAM
Ellsworth Kelly: Black & White
John StezakerStezaker, John
Miquel Barceló.Obra sobre papel 1979-1999Barceló, Miquel
Miroslaw Balka.SilosBalka, Miroslaw
Yves Saint LaurentVVAA
Armand Schulthess- Rekonstruktion eines universumusSchlumpf, Hans-Ulrich
Richard Hamilton: Modern moral mattersHamilton, Richard
Luciano Fabro. Habiter l’autonomie/Inhabiting AutonomyFabro, Luciano
Richard Hamilton.ProposicionesHamilton, Richard
Ars MagazineVVAA
The captured museumVVAA
ARTocracy. Art, Informal Space, and Social Consequence: A Curatorial Handbook in Collaborative PracticeVVAA