Mostrando 3361–3420 de 5025 resultados
Exit Express. nº 62. Diciembre 2011. Proyectos de ArtistasVV.AA
Artesania española de vanguardia del siglo XXIVVAA
Berthe Morisot. La pintora impresionista.Morisot, Berthe
Henri Matisse. Escritos y consideraciones sobre el arteMatisse, Henri
Berthe Morisot. La pintora impresionista.Morisot, Berthe
Arte Moderno 1870-2000. 2 volúmenesVVAA
Max ErnstBischoff, Ulrich
Dharma, Arte y Percepción VisualTrungpa, Chögyam
Nunca te olvidaré…De Frida Khalo para Nickolas MurayGrimberg, Salomon
Frida Kahlo FotosOrtiz Monasterio, Pablo
Museos y Centros de arte cotemporaneos en EspañaVVAA
De la revuelta a la posmodernidadVVAA
I might die before i get a rifle. Hasselblad award 2011Raad, Walid
Donald JuddJudd, Donald
VowelsCartier-Bresson, Henri
Frozen Dreams. Contemporary Art from RussiaAmirsadeghi, Hossein
What’s Next? 100 Years of the Contemporary Art SocietyByatt, Lucy
Rising – Young Artists to Keep an Eye on!Salie, Olaf
Sol LeWitt: Structures, 1965-2006Lewitt, Sol
Ai Weiwei ArchitectureWeiwei, Ai
Jean-Paul GoudeGoude, Jean Paul
La elegancia del dibujoSaenz de Tejada, Carlos
Olor, Color. Química, arte y pedagogíaVVAA
Permanently becoming and the architecture of seeingSchnabel, Julian
Juan Gatti – PhotographicsGatti, Juan
El Galerista. Leo Castelli y su círculoCohen-Solal, Annie
Abstract ExpressionismVV.AA
La galerie d’artMarsan,Marie-Claire
Unpacking My Library: Writers and Their BooksVarious
The Ocean Park SeriesDiebenkorn, Richard
HeadlinesWarhol, Andy
Laurie Anderson, Trisha Brown, Gordon Matta-Clark: Pioneers of the Downtown Scene, New York 1970sAnderson, Laurie
Julian Schnabel: PolaroidsSchnabel, Julian
Hard Light. The Work of Emilio SanchezSanchez, Emilio
Malevich and the American LegacyMalevich, Kazimir
Insular InsightLars Müller
Rachel Whiteread DrawingsWhiteread, Rachel
Andrea Zittel: Lay of My LandZittel, Andrea
Carnets du bal 2. L’image déjà la, usages de l’objet trouvé photographique et cinématographiqueVVAA
Contemporary Art. World Currents.Smith,Terry
MicroworldsValli, Marc & Dessanay, Margherita
The tree of light – El árbol de la luzCabrita Reis, Pedro
Cut & Paste: 21st Century CollageVV.AA
The great american Pin-upVVAA
New Architecture in the Emerging WorldBromberg, Andrew
Frank Films – The Film and Video Work of Robert FrankFrank, Robert
Graffiti and Street Art (World of Art)Waclaweck, Anna
Jenny Holzer XXHolzer, Jenny
Bertolucci ImagesGarofallo, Marcelo
Adventures in the Soviet Imaginary: Soviet Children’s Books and Graphic ArtVV.AA
Alexander PonomarevPonomarev, Alexander
David Hockney’s Dog DaysHockney, David
Marc Chagall: Drawings for the BibleChagall, Marc
Richard HamiltonHamilton, Richard
Pale FireNabokov, Vladimir
Works on PaperLynch, David
Histoires HistoriesRovner, Michal