Mostrando 1981–2040 de 5025 resultados
Fifty Years of Great Art Writing: From the Hayward GalleryVV.AA
Ana Mendieta: She Got LoveMendieta, Ana
Segunda vez, que siempre es la primeraGarcía, Dora
The first march of gentlemenMilach, Rafal
The first march of gentlemenMilach, Rafal
Bodys Isek KingelezKingelez, Bodys Isek
One hundred meals between Rome and BerlinMonk, Jonathan
Initiales nº 4: MVVVAA
100 pisama / 100 lettersAbramovic, Marina
Never say in private what you (won’t) say in publicAmorales, Carlos
Parker ItoIto, Parker
Do not ever work (2º ed.)Tiravanija, Rirkrit
Nose Peak (2 ed.)Baldessari, John
Andy Warhol s The Chelsea GirlsWarhol, Andy
La palabra pintada & ¿Quién teme al Bauhaus feroz?Wolfe, Tom
Things of Beauty Growing: British Studio PotteryVV.AA
Mark BradfordBradford, Mark
Mark Dion: ApparatusDion, Mark
Marcel van Eeden: Short Storiesvan Eden, Marcel
Marcel Dzama: A Blind Man’s Scrap BookDzama, Marcel
Sheila Hicks: LifelinesHicks, Sheila
Chagall, Lissitzky, MalévitchChagall, Marc
Öyvind Fahlström: Manipulate the WorldFahlström, Öyvind
Lee Ufan: Untouched SpaceUfan, Lee
Desperatly seeking BanksyBanksy
El olor a sangre humana no se me quita de los ojosBacon, Francis
SCIENCE & WONDER in 16th century Goade Orta, Garcia
Trevor PaglenPalgen, Trevor
Flying Too Close to the SunPhaidon Editors
The museum of lost artCharney, Noah
The Ballad Of George BarringtonMeyer, Matthias
Francis Bacon en su estudioBacon, Francis
Secundino HernándezHernández, Secundino
Emily Dickinson: Envelope PoemsDickinson, Emily
Jose Manuel Ballester: Variaciones a partir de MalevichBallester, Jose Manuel
Gabriella Gerosa: The power of the portraitGerosa, Gabriella
Act or Perish! A retrospectiveMetzger, Gustav
Faire Volume 02 ( 5, 6, 7, 8)VVAA
Faire Volume 01 ( 1, 2, 3, 4)VVAA
Initiales n 10: MMMontessori, Maria
Books on BooksVVAA
In BetweenDufour, Diane
The art of Aubrey BeardsleyBeardsley, Aubrey
Sheila HicksHicks, Sheila
How art can make you happyVV.AA
Artists and Their CatsVV.AA
Isamu Noguchi’s ModernismNoguchi, Isamu
The Lives of the SurrealistsMorris, Desmond
Paper: Material, Medium, MagicVV.AA
Francis Picabia: LitteraturePicabia, Francis
La vida de los surrealistasVV.AA
Markus Raetz: Cataloghi & MonografieRaetz, Markus
Urs Lüthi: Cataloghi & MonografieLuthi, Urs
Confessions of an Old Jewish PainterKitaj, R. B.
Cy Twombly: The printed Graphic WorkTwombly, Cy
Concrete MattersVV.AA
Juegos de escrituraLach, Denise
Pissing Figueres 1280-2014Lebensztejn, Jean-Claude
Josef Albers in MexicoAlbers, Josef