Mostrando 1741–1800 de 5025 resultados
Que me quiten lo bailaoAlbarracin, Pilar
Discurso sobre las sombrasSalehi, Shirin
The Art of Ogata Kenzan: Persona and Production in Japanese CeramicsWilson, Richard L.
The Sense of Order: A Study in the Psychology of Decorative ArtGombrich, E. H.
Max Ernst: Historia natural, 1926Ernst, Max
El gabinete surrealistaBatlle Planas, Juan
Visiones de Latinoamérica en la Hispanic Society of AméricaVVAA
Vainica DobleMarquez "El Zurdo", Fernando
Henri Matisse. Recortes. Dibujando con tijerasMatisse, Henri
Interacción del color: Edición del cincuentenarioAlbers, Josef
Ed Ruscha: Very: Works from the UBS Art CollectionRuscha, Ed
Exhibiting the Exhibition: From the Cabinet of Curiosities to the Curatorial SituationVV.AA
A handbook of drug termsVV.AA
Andy Warhol?From A to B and Back AgainWarhol, Andy
Marcel Duchamp: 100 Questions. 100 AnswersDuchamp, Marcel
El Thyssen en el plato: La colección interpretada por 25 grandes chefsVV.AA
Collected Drawings (1971- 2017)Kuitca, Guillermo
Space ShiftersVV.AA
‘It is what it is and it ain t nothing else’Flavin, Dan
BRI ANDA DIBUJANDO (Atelier des Jeunes)Fitz-James Stuart, Brianda
SEMPE EN NEW YORKSempé, Jean-Jacques
CancionesGarcia Lorca, Federico
Con los ojos bien abiertos. Ensayos sobre el arteBarnes, Julian
Re-reading the Manual Of Travelling ExhibitionsVV.AA
The Legend of Barbara RubinRubin, Barbara
PluriverseKluge, Alexander
The Snows of VeniceKluge, Alexander
Imagine John YokoLennon, John
More Than Real: Art In The Digital Age (Summit publication series)VV.AA
Viviendo en la tierraBay Laurel, Alicia
Oteiza pasión y razónOteiza, Jorge
Hilma af Klint: Notes and MethodsAf Klint, Hilma
Culpa y DeudasSchmidt, Dierk
Cornelia Parker: Transitional Object (PsychoBarn)Parker, Cornelia
William Forsythe: Choreographic ObjectsForsythe, William
James Lee Byars: The Perfect KissByars, James Lee
The Athens Dialogues: Interviews by Hans Ulrich Obrist / Photographs by Ari MarcopoulosUlrich Obrist, Hans
Sol LeWitt: Between the LinesLewitt, Sol
Catálogo Museo del Prado 1819-2019: Un lugar de memoriaVV.AA
Eduardo Chillida: Architekt der Leere / Architect of the VoidChillida, Eduardo
Introducing Tony Conrad: A RetrospectiveConrad, Joseph
Ryoji Ikeda – Centre PompidouIkeda, Yoko
The Art of Graphic Design: 30th Anniversary EditionThompson, Bradbury
Richard Serra and Hal Foster. Conversations about SculptureSerra, Richard
Size Matters! (De)Growth of the 21st Century Art MuseumVV.AA
CarsickWaters, John
Laurie Anderson: All the Things I Lost in the FloodAnderson, Laurie
Yo trabajo como un hortelanoMiró, Joan
Juan Uslé. Pasos y PalabrasUsle, Juan
Sagmeister & Walsh: The Beauty BookSagmeister, Stefan
Christo and Jeanne-Claude: Urban ProjectsChristo and Jeanne-Claude
Elmgreen and Dragset: This is how we bite our tongueElmgreen and Dragset
Jean-Michel Basquiat (Fondation Louis Vuitton, Paris)Basquiat, Jean-Michel
David Zwirner: 25 YearsVV.AA
Thomas Hirschhorn: MapsHirschhorn, Thomas
Matisse and DecorationMatisse, Henri