Arquitectura y diseño
Mostrando 1561–1620 de 2781 resultados
Going Public: Public Architecture, Urbanism and InterventionsKlanten, Robert
Ralph Walker: Architect of the CenturyWalker, Ralph
Interiors / Atelier AMMisczynski, Alexandra & Michael
The Phaidon Archive of Graphic DesignVV.AA
The Future of Architecture Since 1889Cohen, Jean-Louis et. al.
Estrategias operativas en arquitecturaGarcía-Germán, Jacobo
Las siete lámparas de la arquitecturaRuskin, John
Madrid Centro = Madrid City CentreVV.AA
Green Architecture Now! Vol. 2Jodidio, Philip
Diseño del siglo XXFiell, Charlotte & Peter
Íntimo: Un universo creativo / A creative universeCano, Benjamin
The Book of Books: 500 Years of Graphic InnovationLommen, Mathieu
Graphic Design Before Graphic DesignersJury, David
Hogan: Future RootsSartorio, Donata
New Technologies (Products From Phaidon Design Classics, Vol. 3)AA.VV
Pioneers (Products From Phaidon Design Classics, Vol. 1)AA.VV
Lucio Fontana Ambienti Spaziali: Architecture, Art, EnvironmentsFontana, Lucio
History of Modern DesignRaizman, David
Bookshops: Long Established and the Most FashionableBraun, Markus Sebastian
Re-Designing NatureMatzner, Florian
Ecological Urban Architecture: Qualitative Approaches to SustainabilitySchroepfer, Thomas
Aprendiendo de Las VegasVenturi, Robert
Zaha HadidHadid, Zaha
Richard MeierMeier, Richard
ConcreteKoren, Leonard
Moleskine Inspiration & Process in Architecture – Zaha HadidHadid, Zaha
Car Design America: Myths, Brands, PeopleTumminelli, Paolo
In TouchVV.AA
Project Scope: Exhibition Design «A Typology for Architects, Designers and Museum Professionals»Bertron, Aurelia
Building with BambooGernot, Minke
Designing Exhibitions: A Compendium for Architects, Designers and Museum ProfessionalsBertron, Aurelia
Wood and Wood JointsZwerger, Klaus
Heat CoolReichel, Alexander
El Croquis 162 – RCR Arquitectes 2007-2012. Poetic AbstractionVV.AA
Pleats PleaseMiyake, Issey
Total FluidityHadid, Zaha
Richard Rogers + Architects: From the House to the CityRogers, Richard
Steven Holl: Minimum SeriesHoll, Steven
Zaha Hadid: Minimum SeriesHadid, Zaha
The Autopoiesis of Architecture II Vol.IISchumacher, Patrik
The Autopoiesis of Architecture. A New Framework for ArchitectureSchumacher, Patrik
Tradition and Invention in Architecture: Conversations and EssaysStern, Robert A. M.
Stirling and Gowan: Architecture from Austerity to AffluenceCrinson, Mark
HadidHadid, Zaha
Masters + Their Pieces: Best of Furniture DesignRoth, Manuela
a.mag wespi de meuron romeoAA.VV
Alvar Aalto: The Mark of the HandAalto, Alvar
a.mag pocket. Aires MateusAA.VV
Adolf Loos – Escritos II (1910/1932)Loos, Adolf
Adolf Loos – Escritos I (1897/1909)Loos, Adolf
Alvar Aalto – De palabra y por escritoAalto, Alvar
Luis Barragán – Escritos y conversacionesBarragán, Luis
Moisei Ginzburg – Escritos 1923-1930Ginzburg, Moisei
Bruno Taut – Escritos expresionistasTaut, bruno
World Scenography 1975-1990McKinnon, Peter
The Complete Zaha HadidHadid, Zaha
Architect Knows Best: Environmental Determinism in Architecture Culture from 1956 to the PresentRichards, Simon
Alvar Aalto «A Gentler Structure for Life»Aalto, Alvar
Architecture and the Test of TimeAA.VV
Siza Nao Construído. UnbuiltSiza, Álvaro