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Stefano Cerio lives and works in Rome and Paris.\nHe began his career as a photographer at the age of 18, contributing to the Italian\nweekly LEspresso. Since 2001, his interest has gradually moved towards explorative\nphotography and video.\nHis work increasingly focuses on the theme of representation, exploring the boundary\nline between vision, recounting the real and the spectators horizon of expectation, the\nstaging of a possible reality that might not be true but is at least plausible. In this sense,\nprojects such as Sintetico Italiano (Italian Synthetic), Souvenir, Aquapark, Night Ski,\nare stages in a coherent artistic development which finds in the concept of memory, in\nthe other place as a catalyst for present desires and future memories, in the idea of\nholiday and entertainment, that suspension of daily life which the author studies and\nrecounts in images.\nHis works are to be found in many public and private collections.
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