Screening Berlin

Hage, Gilbert
Editorial: Underexposed Books
Encuadernación: Softcover
Idioma: English
Páginas: 24
Medidas: 30.00 x 46.50 cm

Each year, as tourist vacationers, tens of millions of humans yield to an extra conditioning: they follow the directives of a guide, the rhythm of a group, and are instructed cursorily in the doxa on various countries turned venues. Under the pretext of anticipating their needs, desires, and even their whims, they are dissuaded from any independent choice. In a sightseeing boat during a guided tour of Berlin, Gilbert Hage resisted-while fixed to his seat-by means of photography the concomitant insidious screening of Berlin. The result, Screening Berlin, is a number of moving encounters in the form of chance compositions of landscapes and people.

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