Ron Mueck

Even since the sixties the idea of getting into a form sculpture able to depict reality in such and instance that can mistake the eye, and play with the mimesis notion in such a way, perception by all means get deceived, has been explored.\n\nIn the contemporary work of Mueck this ideas get totally unbounded in a body of work that is a continuos surprise and further more a challenge to visual perception, psycological perception and emotive perception. Just imagine an enormous photograph of a child enhanced to be several meters high. you do? now make it in 3d.., that is what we are talking here.\n\nChildren of several floors, gigantic babies, tiny old ladies, make a powerful discourse about a sculpture much more next to a very ‘photoshopized’ image, even the shworooms look like and art piece with the Muecks in them.\nIn a world were the shallow and empty conceptual art is everywhere is really refreshing to see this guy work.\nThis book about the australian artist is in english and german, and contains apart from many if not all of his work in color, a catalogue raisonne list of all his produced work to the date of publication 2005.\n\nSince I really have no interest in today’s empty and pretentious art -instalation, conceptual and all those things, you know, that should bare a sign at the enter of the galleries: ‘don’t drive heavy machinery..’ because of their boring charachteristics- normally my shopping list is only of photo books.\n\nBut this art book is something so beautiful, that even if you are not an ‘art lover’ -remember Mueck as the author of many cinema effects like ‘Labyrint’ prosthetics before becoming a force in the art world- you can have hours of joy and poetic interaction through images full of tenderness, mistery and force.
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