On the Political Imaginary

Bruguera, Tania
Editorial: Charta Edizioni
Encuadernación: Paperback
Idioma: Inglés
Medidas: x cm

Tania Brugueras work examines fundamental questions of power and vulnerability in relation to the personal, political, and collective body. An interdisciplinary artist working in the ephemeral, experiential forms of performance and installation, she creates a space where art, politics, and life converge. Bruguera was born, raised, and educated in Cuba where she began her career as an artist before relocating to the United States in the late 1990s. The broad social and historic perspective she brings to her work is rooted in personal experience and forms the basis of her art, which explores urgent issues such as exile, displacement, and instability; and individual and collective responses to them, from submission, fear, and endurance to the hope for survival and the possibility of self-expression.
