
Walking around in the New York neighbourhood of Williamsburg, I kept thinking I saw my father going past. Not the way he looks now, but as I know him from old photos. Nothing but young guys with great mops of black curls, moustaches and beards, 1980s-style training tops, tight jeans and often on racing bikes. Guys who looked like their fathers did in the 1980s.\n\nIn the first instance I saw this as a matter of fashion, the retro trend that seems to move in parallel with my generation. Ten years ago I wore wide-legged slacks, today tight jeans. Just like my mother when she was twenty and later thirty. When I gave it some more thought, I realised that this everyday phenomenon raises interesting questions about the age we live in. Questions such as: Why is it that this generation wants to look like its parents?, What does that say about our time?, What is the relationship between these generations? and What has happened in the meantime?
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