Lieko Shiga: Blind Date Exhibition

Shiga, Lieko
Editorial: T&M Projects
Encuadernación: Softcover
Medidas: 26.00 x 18.00 cm

From June to September 2017, Marugame Genichiro-Inokuma Museum of Contemporary Art held the exhibition Lieko Shiga: Blind Date. This book is the catalogue of this exhibition. This title consists of 3 volumes: INSIDEOUT, Text, and Talks and Workshop.

INSIDEOUT is the collection of the photos taken by Shiga herself. Not only installation views, but also capturing backyard and outside of the exhibition site. Because of the special design, readers need to turn the pages slowly. This action is close to the experience which people had at the exhibition where 21 slide-projectors were used.
96pages / softcover / used 3 different sizes of paper

Text includes Shiga’s essay and the curator of the show Katsura Kunieda’s essay. These are written in bilingual: Japanese and English. Shiga’s essay, which is over 50,000 characters(English), consists of 5 chapters: Blind Date, Mourning, The Ghost, The Reality, and A Song. Her text was shown in the exhibition, but she revised it again and again afterwards. And Kunieda’s essay might be the first time to present long essay on Shiga in English by Japanese writer.
88pages / softcover / 245x188mm

At last, Talks and Workshop consists of a four-talk series and the stone-picking workshop, which were held during the exhibition Lieko Shiga: Blind Date. Shiga talked with the guests on the books which are related with them. The guests are Mikio Igarashi(comic artist), Mariko Takeuchi(critic), Tomomi Tsuchida(editor at The Big Issue Japan), and Norimizu Ameya(director, artist, animal dealer). In the workshop Stone Picking, Shiga and participants went to the riverbed near the museum, and picked up a stone/stones which may be “mine”. And they discussed how the stones are like.
104pages / softcover / 238×175mm

Elegantly presented set, supplied with a matching band.

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