Gerhard Richter: Abstract Paintings 2009

The Marian Goodman Gallery, New York presents a major show of works made by Richter from 2005 to the present, including an important new cycle of paintings titled Sindbad, 2008.\n\nAlso included are individual paintings presenting medium to large format abstractions, and a new group of large scale near-monochrome paintings whose underlying chromatic structures are layered by translucent veils of white paint.\n\nIn his essay, art historian Benjamin Buchloh traces the historical and aesthetic framework of Richter’s abstract paintings and considers the artist’s recent white non-representational works within the larger context of a postwar trajectory of reductivist painting in the US and Europe.\n\nPublished on the occasion of the exhibition at The Marian Goodman Gallery, New York, 7th November 2009 9th January 2010.
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