Editorial: Jrp Ringier
Encuadernación: Soft cover
Idioma: English
Medidas: x cm

The book entitled “Encyclopedia of Fictional Artists” (1605–today) is a project by Koen Brams, who together with co-editors, initiated a compilation of biographies of fictional artists as presented in world literature. Although published and distributed in a different context (literature), this compilation provokes the perception of the art context as a descriptive narrative and is therefore to be seen as a conceptual framework for potential artistic additions.

“The Addition” is Krist Gruijthuijsen’s editorial answer to the “Encyclopedia,” inviting more than 20 artists to reflect upon the problematics of fiction, history, and encyclopedic knowledge.

Brought together by a bellyband, the two volumes constitute the first English edition of Brams’ classic (first published in Dutch).
