Cry Of An Echo

Stankiewicz, Malgorta
Editorial: Lecturis
Encuadernación: Paperback
Idioma: English
Medidas: 32.00 x 23.00 cm

Bialowieza Forest, which stretches through portions of Poland and Belarus, is one of the last and largest remaining parts of the immense primeval forest that once stretched across the European Plain. In 2016, under the pretence of its protection, Poland’s Environment Minister approved extensive logging in the forest. In ‘Cry of an Echo’, Malgorzata Stankiewicz offers a haunting glimpse into the depths of this ancient and beautiful place, currently under threat of being completely transformed, or even disappearing forever. Her manipulated images, murky and seemingly damaged, build a narrative of untold histories and the irreversible changes brought on by contentious political decisions.

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