Analogue: Films, Photographs, Drawings 1991 2006

Dean, Tacita
Editorial: Steidl
Medidas: 0.00 x 0.00 cm

Over the past 15 years Tacita Dean has created a body of work, impressive in its idiosyncratic treatment of film and drawings and striking in its contrary beauty. As a follow-up to the films, the publication of Analogue is the first methodical study and graphic presentation of Dean’s drawings. The volume contains not just drawings on paper but also on blackboards and alabaster and in photographs. There is a close connection between Dean’s drawings and her film productions, which provide the creative impulse for her work in other media. In an interview, Dean explains these connections by reference to several examples.\nThe exhibition at Schaulager is the most comprehensive survey and offers a representative selection of her oeuvre. The structure of her work is mirrored in the conception and arrangement of the exhibition in order to connect cinematic, sketched, and photographic images

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