Alfredo Jaar. It is difficult (Vol. 1)

Jaar, Alfredo
Editorial: Corraini
Encuadernación: Hardcover
Idioma: English
Medidas: x cm

Alfredo Jaar’s exhibition «It is difficult» is accompanied by the book «It is difficult Vol.1», special publication featuring a rich photographic documentation most of which previously unpublished from the artist’s archive, and the catalogue «It is difficult Vol.2», available in English and Italian featuring texts by Paolo Fabbri, Paul Gilroy, Bartolomeo Pietromarchi, Gabi Scardi and Nicole Schweizer. In these books, the contrasts between industrialized and developing nations, the rhetoric of the media, and the process of removing such themes from our collective conscience are analyzed by minutely documenting the complex reality of a situation in situ, and focusing the attention of the public on the possible relationships between ethics and aesthetics and the key-role of art in criticizing the way in which such serious events are treated in our society.

Alfredo Jaar’s exhibition It is difficult is promoted by Provincia di Milano and Fondazione Hangar Bicocca, in collaboration with Regione Lombardia, and will be on display from October 3rd 2008 to January 25th 2009 at Spazio Oberdan and Hangar Bicocca in Milan. .
