All-American XVIII: Facing the World Vol.23

Weber, Bruce
Publisher: Little Bear Press
Binding: Softcover
Language: English
Pages: 176
Measurements: 23.00 x 29.50 cm

In a time when outrage, intolerance and violence seem to dominate the national conversation, how do we face this world? While the eighteenth edition of Bruce Weber’s All-American makes no claims to know the answer, it attempts to approach the question on a human scale: How can we help these kids? How can we learn from the past? How best to be true to ourselves? The principal characters here are everyday people, the challenges they face nothing shocking or newsworthy. But all of them shine through their simple commitment to making the world better in some modest but meaningful way.

Carlos Javier Ortiz appeals the conscience of our immigrant nation in his powerful photographs of migrant farm laborers. Thema Campbell casts a protective embrace over some of the most vulnerable among us—adolescent girls from underprivileged backgrounds—through her advocacy group “Girl Power.” Tony Vaccaro’s photographs and stories reveal the healing potential of creativity for those who survive the horrors of war. Bruce Weber documents the March For Our Lives in Parkland, Florida and the enduring traditions of New Orleans Jazz and Heritage Festival. In two deeply personal photo essays, Weber also examines how the complexity of family relationships can mediate an increasingly unpredictable world. All-American XVIII continues its tradition of showcasing the work of rising talents in photography—this year, the recent SVA graduate and Charleston native Simons Finnerty examines the roots of his artistic practice on Kiawah Island.

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