Luis Gordillo, Eduardo Arroyo, Jordi Socías. CA-RO-TA

On the occasion of the exhibition on display at Ivorypress from 8 September to 5 November 2011, Ivorypress published the catalogue CA-RO-TA, which featured the works and biographies of Luis Gordillo, Eduardo Arroyo and Jordi Socías. An intense photographic session with the two artists, directed by Socías, was the starting point for the making of Gordillo and Arroyo’s pieces. The works show faces and masks, as if ‘reflecting a desire for theatricality in an ironic context’, explains Luis Gordillo. Alongside the works by the two Spanish painters, a selection of photos by Jordi Socías is also included, revealing the collusion and connection between Arroyo and Gordillo The distorted faces in the photographic portraits made by Socías neatly dovetail with the expressionism and sarcasm visible in the painters’ pieces.