C Photo 08

Glass Hero, the eighth edition of C Photo, explores the role of photography in counter and popular cultures. In this issue, C Photo presents a mixture of photography and graphic design, going beyond the normal reach of the publication in order to more accurately reflect the visual landscape of these movements.
Interviews and Essays: John Giorno, Martin Jay, Simon Larbalestier, Peter Saville. Peter Saville shares a selection of his work from his time at Factory Records in Manchester, to more recent endeavours in the applied and fine arts. The collection of Damien Hirst: Lina Bertucci, Mat Collishaw, Tracey Emin, Angus Fairhurst, Sarah Lucas, Mario Merz, Olly & Suzi, and Richard Prince. Archive: Album covers and sleeves from poet John Giorno’s project Dial-a-Poem. Vintage: Retrospective of Andy Warhol and his use of photography both as a subject and as an artist. Also included are photographs of Warhol by Dennis Hopper and Christopher Makos. Guest: The Spanish graphic designer Oscar Mariné shares photos and designs from his work in the applied arts. C Action grants were awarded to Victor Albrow and Lia Sáile.