C Photo 06

In this truly global volume, C Photo explores the evolution of photography, film and collecting in the Chinese art market, one of the world’s most dynamic emerging markets, as well as showing eye-catching work from both East and West. This market has seen burgeoning popularity in recent years.
Interviews and Essays: Colin Chinnery, Arthur C. Danto, Rachel Dwyer, Daniel Giralt-Miracle, Agnieska Holland, Bohnchang Koo, Lizawa Kotaro, Robert Pinsky, David Tang. Collector: The collections of Uli Sigg and Guy Ullens, two of the most important Chinese contemporary art collectors. Francesca Woodman: A revealing portfolio of mainly unpublished works. Archive: A selection of photographs and posters from the most celebrated Bollywood films, from the 1930s to the 1960s. Vintage: Francesc Català-Roca, a retrospective to one of the most emblematic photographers of the twentieth century. Guest: Dennis Hopper. C Action grants awarded to Marie Taillefer and Kyungwoo Chun.