Younger than Jesus “The generation book”

Publisher: Steidl
Binding: Paperback
Language: English
Pages: 507
Measurements: 17.00 x 23.00 cm

Younger Than Jesus: The Reader accompanies the inaugural edition of the New Museum’s Triennial. Generation Y, Millennials, and iGeneration are just some of the labels that sociologists, trend spotters, and the media have applied to this diverse demographic. Younger Than Jesus: The Reader departs from these investigations and tries to compose a much more complex picture of the art and of the preoccupations that animate the work of this emerging generation. The book illuminates shared practices and dramatic differences within this age group.

This 500-page publication includes 100 full-color and thirty black-and-white reproductions of the artists’ works. Texts include original essays by the exhibition curators Lauren Cornell, Massimiliano Gioni, and Laura Hoptman, along with an anthology of reprints by a diverse group of writers including philosophers, sociologists, theorists, journalists, youth activists, and marketing and technology experts.

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