Three Poems

Illustrated hors-text with twenty-seven original lithographs by Robert Motherwell. The lithographs were pulled at Trestle Editions, New York, on handmade Japanese papers of various colors, and are laiddown on mould-made paper made by the Magnani mills in Pescia, Italy.
Book designed by Ben Shiff. The typefaces used for the text are Bauer Bondoni Bold and Bauer Bondoni Italic. Set at Stamperia Voldonega. The text is printed in Spanish in red ink and in English in blue ink, on mould made paper from the Cartiere Enrico Magnani mills. The first poem was printed by Stamperia Valdonega, Verona, Italy. The second poem was printed at The Wild Carrot Press in Hadley, Massachusetts. And the third poem was printed at Heritage Printers in Charlotte, NC.
The book is bound in full natural linen, with an original lithograph by Motherwell laid-down on the front cover. Housed in a natural linen drop-spine box, which measures 59.06 X 46.99 cm. Titling is stamped in black on both the spine of the book and on the spine of the box.
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