Tatil Holiday

Onur Gürkan (1990) has been producing creative works in photography, video, and visual design areas. He graduated from Sisli Terakki High School and International Relations major at Koc University. He has been working as a Research Assistant since 2012 and studying Master’s Degree at Koc University, Media & Visual Arts (MAVA) department. He established “malumat | visual communication ideas” company at 2015. His photographs took part in-group exhibitions such as “Istanbulla Bakmak”, “RAMP[A]” etc. at Koc University and “Urban Justice” at Hacettepe University’s 11th National Art Symposium. He coordinated Laleper Aytek’s 16th personal photograph exhibition “non-paris”, MAVA department’s “uncanny” and “to be” group exhibitions.
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