Station Rose
Publisher: DE GRUYTER
Binding: Softcover
Language: English
Pages: 248
Measurements: 22.00 x 31.00 cm

In 2018, the artist Elisa Rose and the musician Gary Danner will have been involved in digital art for 30 years as STATION ROSE/STR. During that time, there was a transformation from a purely analog to a new, irretrievably interwoven digital/analog world. Back in 1988, STR posited: “The outcome of this history will take place everywhere”. Now it really is taking place everywhere – the world is permanently networked and monitored, it is more transparent, but also more controlled. How have art and music changed? On the subject of “30.0”, STR – who for years were abroad and are now back in Vienna – unfold their topics of recent years: exhibitions, installations, performances, the Net, nature, compositions, TV and radio productions. STATION ROSE 30.0 is an AUGMENTED BOOK and contains texts by Angela Stief, Katharina Gsoellpointner, Nate Hitchcock, Lucas Gehrmann, and other

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